Dr. Guy Bechor
The fat giant called the “European Union” – a giant led by government workers in a mixture of languages, burdened with bureaucracy, regulations, forms and mediocrity – is destroying the European continent right before our eyes. This is a historic process, which the EU members must diagnose as soon as possible.
When the EU was established, they didn’t take into consideration that it would encourage permissive norms in the EU’s southern countries, for example the collapse of the family institution and the number of children per mother. The number of children per mother in Spain fell from four to 1.4, in the Czech Republic – to 1.29, in Poland – to 1.32, and in Greece and Italy – to 1.4 today, so much that there is no new generation to support the national economies.
As a result, the southern countries – Greece, Spain, Portugal and Cyprus, but also other countries like Ireland – are incapable of settling their debts, and their young resident immigrate to the northern EU, as the EU allows residence in all of its parts. This is a real migration of nations. The southern countries are turning into senior citizens’ homes, while their future immigrates northward or outside the EU. In 2012, more than 100,000 people, mostly young, emigrated from Ireland to Australia or to New Zealand, and the same happened in Portugal.
And so the northern countries are taking control of their southern sisters, acquiring their future minds (which are employed in Holland or Germany in relief works), and in return are paying them pennies in “rescue fee,” mainly Germany.
Germany is increasingly being perceived among EU countries as an all-devouring giant, as it needs 200,000 new immigrants every year to maintain its industrialization level, thereby diluting all the others. In the southern countries those who don’t emigrate finds it difficult to work too, with a 27% unemployment level in Spain and Portugal, 13.5% in Ireland or 12% in Italy and 11% in France. The even worse figure is that at the ages of 18 to 25 the figures are double in every country. This means restlessness on the streets, with a potential for a social flare-up.
This is where the destruction processes in the Islamic countries around the EU come into play, mainly following the wretched Arab Spring. Millions of Muslim immigrants are entering the EU illegally through the southern countries, which have neither the power nor the ability to curb this migration of nations. Some 450,00 Muslim immigrants enter Spain every year, and as many as 580,000 Spaniards emigrate from the country every year, and these are destructive processes.
Because the borders in the EU are open, the moment illegal immigrants come in, most of them keep going northward, where they want to live, and most of them become a burden on the shoulders of the countries’ welfare institutions, until even the rich countries among them will soon find it difficult to deal with the large waves of immigrants. That is, for example, the apparent situation in Denmark and Britain.
In other words, the EU’s future is migrating from it, and unskilled immigrants are flooding it. Moreover, the local population is aging rapidly, and the countries will find it difficult to support this population too, as there is no young generation to support the elderly. All this is taking place in a climate of cumbersome bureaucracy and interest rate levels and economic policies which are dictated from above in an arbitrary manner to the different countries, like a Procrustean bed. The euro currency, for example, has turned out to be a disaster for many countries within the EU.
In addition, the EU’s collective leadership is busy preserving itself and finding a wide common denominator, and this is a classic recipe for mediocrity, while pushing the innovation andentrepreneurship aside. Therefore, each country will be doing the right thing by escaping this “union” now, before the collapse. Those which will fail to do it now, and will perhaps still manage to save themselves, will be very sorry later on.